Charlemagne - Karl der Große
From Cologne I travelled to Aachen today, the city of Charlemagne. The 28th January this year saw the 1200th anniversary of his death....

Surprise Encounter - Unerwartete Begegnung
It was with much sadness and nostalgia when I took leave from Cologne this morning. I have lovely memories. Even car drivers were...
Inner and Outer Journey - Innere und Äußere Reise
Yesterday I observed in the mirror of my tractor that a car drove behind me without making use of overtaking opportunities. I stopped to...

Kölner Dom und Ulmer Münster (2)
I spent my teenage years and my time at medical school in Ulm. As such I am obviously biased. Building work on the Ulm cathedral started...

Kölner Dom and Ulmer Münster (1)
Today I visited the Cathedral in Cologne, the Kölner Dom again. It is a beautiful church in Gothic style. Building started in 1248. It...

The Rhine - a German river? - Der Rhein - ein deutscher Fluss?
During my journey over the past 6 days I have been criss-crossing the Rhine river on a number of occasions and it has been my companion...

Remagen Memorial Plaque - Remagen Erinnerungstafel
On the right side of the Rhine this plaque commemorates the reconciliation between previous enemies. Auf der rechten Rheinseite erinnert...

The Bridge of Remagen - Die Brücke von Remagen
As I travelled along the right side of the Rhine river, I passed the remnants of the bridge of Remagen. The bridge was built during the...

Maria Laach Cloister - Kreuzgang
This an impression of the cloister of the Maria Laach Abbey Dieses Foto versucht einen Eindruck des Kreuzgangs der Maria Laach Abtei zu...

Maria Laach
This entry refers to yesterday's journey. Before making my way to the hustle and bustle of the city I used the opportunity to visit the...